How Long Do I Need To Go To the Chiropractor?

When I am out in public meeting people for the first time, one of the common responses to my profession is, “Well, I don’t go to a chiropractor because once I go, I have to go the rest of my life,” or “I don’t want to get addicted.” Will you get addicted or have to visit a chiropractor forever? I’ll dive deeper into the topic for this Lewistown Chiropractic blog post.

Before we get started, it’s essential to step back from the context of what people are saying and dissect these previous comments. I agree that before I began to value my life and truly live healthily, I thought these same thoughts. However, I have shifted my mindset to living more proactively, so comments like these don’t make any sense to me.

For example, people say they do not want to get addicted to chiropractic, but if we look at the rest of their life, we will find other addictions or things they do regularly. Chiropractic aims to empower individuals to make health decisions for their bodies and minds. This proactive way of living leads to a higher quality of life, so many people inevitably desire the best weakness, including chiropractic care. Therefore, these individuals are taking a strong interest in their health rather than developing an “addiction.”

Should we wait until we have problems before caring for things, which is the standard U.S. American way of thinking, or should we be proactive and continually take measures to live proactively?

Some people associate chiropractic with medical doctors, thinking we need to go when there is a problem. Chiropractic is about living proactively by eating healthy, working out, and getting massages. These actions are positive for a person’s life, whereas taking medicine to treat or mask symptoms can mask the problems.

Look at your life, and note the positive and negative things you spend time doing. Make two columns, and figure out ways to convert the negatives into positives.

As an example, here is what my list looks like:


  • Workout

  • Get adjusted

  • Take supplements

  • Acupuncture and Massage checkups

  • Take restful vacations

  • Meditate


  • Not enough time with friends

  • Too much time wasted on the internet on weekends

Reflecting on my list, I want to change those negatives into positives by hanging out with friends and having valuable relationships. Further, I want to read and write more blog posts instead of wasting my time on the internet.

So What’s the Goal?

The goal in our office is not to see you three times a week or even twice a week for the rest of your life but instead:

  1. Correct your spine - get you feeling better, fast.

  2. Maintain the spine with whatever frequency you need based on your age, lifestyle, and spinal structure

Remember one key point. You have one life in this fantastic body with friends, family, and other people who love you. Do you want to do everything possible to maximize this life and make it your most fabulous while feeling and looking your best possible self? We are here to help you accomplish this goal. Don't hesitate to get in touch with our office or comment below, we always love hearing from those in our community! Community Chiropractic Center in Lewistown Montana has your back.


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